Preaching Night
  • 2 Hampden Road
    Mount Barker

  • Glorify Church

Preaching Night

On Wednesday the 30th of May we are holding a preaching and teaching night for people who are exploring their teaching gift to “have a go”.  This will be a safe and non-threatening environment where you are free to be yourself, make mistakes, but honour God in the message he has given you.

At Glorify we believe that every person is valuable and unique.  Jesus has something of immense value in everyone and we want to give opportunity for passions to be fostered and gifts to be stewarded and value appreciated.

Part of exploring giftings is “having a crack” and seeing what Jesus will do with your offering and exploring the message and call on your life.

For us, in the congregation, we get to have a night where we will hear 3 sermons and be encouraged by Jesus!  A powerful and fun night!  It is also a night where we get to encourage people who are learning and growing in their gifts.

We will run these a few times a year but it is the first 3 people to express their desire will be given the spot.  (External, non-Glorify, preachers will be considered subject to a conversation with Pastor Dan).

[contact-form to=”” subject=”Preaching Night Application”][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Have you ever preached before?” type=”radio” options=”Yes, a number of times,Yes, only once,No”][contact-field label=”Brief synopsis of what you would like to preach on” type=”textarea”][/contact-form]


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