You’re invited to participate in an evening of discovering all the amazing things that make us tick at Glorify. These evenings are normally run the 2nd Wednesday after the start of each school term. Due to conference we are running this meeting on the 30th of October.
What has shaped us as a Church? How did we begin? What do we believe? How we are governed? What’s our vision for 2018 and beyond? How can you get connected? What’s in our DNA? Who are our partners? How can I know if I’m called to Glorify?
Who should attend?
If you are a new comer to Glorify or even a regular who has never been to an info night, we would love to see you there. These evenings are informative and helpful for discernment.
Light refreshments are provided.
For more information or to register please fill out the form below.
[contact-form to=”” subject=”Vision, Mission, Culture, and History Night Signup”][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Mobile” type=”text”][contact-field label=”Number attending (for catering)” type=”select” required=”1″ options=”1,2,3,4,5″][contact-field label=”Any dietary requirements” type=”text”][contact-field label=”Questions you would like answered” type=”textarea”][contact-field label=”I’d like a phone call with one of the leaders” type=”checkbox”][contact-field label=”I’d like to attend the following day” type=”checkbox-multiple” options=”30 October”][/contact-form]